Обратная перспектива есть то качество метареализма, которое позволяет мастеру смещать планы, раздвигая и уплотняя время, совмещать противоположное и крайнее в единстве происходящего. Глаза поглощают изображение как процесс становления образа. Образ раскручивается, обрастает смыслами и в конце концов сбрасывает банальность, как кожуру, обретая более глубокий смысл. Разорвав цепь причинности, плосколинейную логику здравого смысла, отрицая трехмерность, как очевидное, художник завоевывает новую реальность. Ощущение бесконечности возникает как подсознательное, как головокружение. Как, например, метафора зримого у Мандельштама: «Я видел озеро, стоящее отвесно, С разрезанною розой в колесе…».
What is metarealism?
Metarealism is synonymous to metaconscience, which means beyond psychological consciousness, beyond a subjective psychological polarized view of reality. Metarealism seeks to depict the reality which exist beyond that psychological subjective perspective. Metarealism proposes not only to communicate further than the pictorial aspect of the perception of other dimension of reality, but also the essence of those dimensions and their relation to us as human beings. Metarealism then becomes a tool for the evolution of consciousness; just like in the old days artists painted sacred art to depict their vision of the reality they perceived, through their spiritual interpretation of other dimensions. Metarealism could be considered a sacred art, in that it also tries to depict, through a metaconscious perspective, the essence of reality as perceived by a metaconscious mind. Meta meaning, a holistic view of reality as perceived by a metaconscious mind, who sees reality as a whole rather than from a subjective personalized intellectually fragmented point of view. Metarealism is the materialization in pictorial form of the reality of other dimensions and their direct effect, and relation upon us. Metarealism tries to depict the relations between those dimensions of reality and how we psychologically interpret them trough our sub mental symbolism.