Я вижу свою задачу в борьбе с визуальной посредственностью и стараюсь раздвинуть границы фотографии, исследуя новые возможности как в области конвенциональной печати, так и в области компьютерной обработки изображения, используя такие техники, как: «беcкамерные изображения», негативные «сэндвичи», множественную печать, двойную экспозицию, расширенную тональную шкалу, многочисленные эффекты и необычайные возможности программы «Фотошоп».
Nathan Brusovani’s photograph plays with the viewer by creating an environment where movement and non-movement create a vibrating energy within the image. A juxtaposition which causes the mind to shift, to look again, to reconsider. Brusovani uses computer applications that are more than just added affectations to existing images, but enhancements that seem to “belong” in some strange way and add to the overall effect. Sometimes bordering on abstract, his work contains hints of borrowed, dream-like representative features that bring one back to a form of dream-like “reality. Sober and sometimes with great restraint, these images offer a consistent, quiet, yet profound atmosphere or mood that is very compelling.
Spirituality is very much a part of his work and Judaism shines through in practically every image. This creative expression of his faith has found it’s way into his art in subtle and not so subtle ways, finding a way to do this without being brashly “religious”. A world of visual experimentation. David Genovesi, ARTROM Gallery, Roma